  Public Ticket #2379041
animation and rows


  • josh started the conversation

    Hi guys. so basically all we wanted to do as you will see on site, is add two rows above the portfolio on homepage - hero image and a section with text. . 

    This has been beyond complicated for some reason. Transitions breaking parts not loading etc... 

    Main issue we are having is animation into portfolio item - its shakey. And when we click back to home page from portfolio item it doesn't load first 2 rows. 

  •  1,815
    Support replied

    Hi Josh

    I can see you added a revslider on top of the portfolio grid. Which transitions are we talking about? Revslider's?

    Disabling ajax page transitions would solve the back to home problem. Also if you just want a hero image with text we can change the code so that you will have a hero section in this portfolio page template (instead of using revslider just for the image)

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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