  Public Ticket #2375522
Vimeo Lightbox


  • Laurenz started the conversation

    Hey there, 

    is it possible to directly get the vimeo-video lightbox popup instead of landing of the actual portfolio site. So as an example if you click on "Gold Man" you get directed to the portfoliosite. Instead of this the vimeo lightbox should popup. Is that possible?

    So you can look fast through all the work without dive deep into one page to another- if there isn't much to say more as the video


    Thanks in advance!

  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hello Laurenz,

    I get what you are saying. you can change a video item links in the portfolio grid in /sections/portfolio_section_item.php line 27 to be more specific

    <a class="item-wrap ajax-link-project" data-type="page-transition" href="<?php echo esc_url( $item_url ); ?>"><!--?php if( hervin_get_theme_options('clapat_hervin_enable_ajax') ){ ?--></a><!--?php } ?-->

    instead of the portfolio page link to link it with the vimeo link popup

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Laurenz replied


    thank you for the reply. I see and understand, but how can I change it in a way, that it opens the certain videos, which are linked in the individual portfolio item, in a lightbox. Because if I owuld put the vimeolinkURL into href="", it would alway be the same video, right? So do I have to change to data-type="Lightbox" or something like that and what to put after href="?" ?

    Thanks in advance!

  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Yes, you need to see if the item is a video first (and only then replace the permalink) and if you want to have the lightbox only for certain video items you can check with the get_the_ID() function if the current portfolio item has a certain ID

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Laurenz replied


    sorry I don't get it. I can't change the whole permalink of an portfolio item, just the ending -> so how can I direct to a vimeo video with such an link?

    And where can I give an certain ID to the item? Over CSS in the portfolio item site?

    But still then, I will land at the portfolio site. But the aim is to not get directed into the portfolio page and just open the vimeo video, which is normally embedded in the portfolio page itself, in a lightbox or so.

    thank you!

  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hi Laurenz

    it's how you open a vimeo lightbox - you somehow need to modify the <a> tag that currently points to the portfolio page, just as an example


    so instead of the permalink for some video portfolio items (this you need to distinguish based on post id) you would need to put the vimeo popup link instead.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Laurenz replied

    Hey thanks for your help. But I dont get it nevertheless, i'm not good at Javascript and dont know where exactly to put the javascript & JQuery. And the HTML for the Lightbox. And where to name the portfolio ID. Too bad, but then I have to stick with the normal portfolio item site instead of a lightbox or something. Thanks so much anyway for the support.
