  Public Ticket #2373604
Conflict with Forminator plugin


  •  1
    Lakshay started the conversation

    Hi there

    Thank you for putting together this brilliant theme.

    I am facing an issue with the Forminator plugin. I have created a form and placed it on the below URL:


    I am able to see the form but there is supposed to be a PayPal button at the end of the form.

    When I switch the theme to Twenty Twenty, I am able to see the form with PayPal button.

    Could you please take a look at this.



  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hi there,

    I can see it right there:


    Was it a question of disabling AJAX page transitions?

    Ajax page transitions will load the target page content container within the original page. Since the target page is not loaded normally the <head> and <body> elements will stay the same.

    Since a lot of plugins are using javascript initialisation in the head (or the footer) of the page they don't get called in the target page.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •  1
    Lakshay replied

    Hi there

    I just checked and the PayPal button is visible on Firefox. However the button is not visible on Google Chrome.
    The page when viewed on Chrome has some JS errors as well. Please see attached screenshot.

    Could you please check.


  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hello Lakshay

    Yes, I'm in Chrome and I am able to see the button, why why are not able to see it I'm wondering do you have a sort of a blocker add-on?


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy