  Public Ticket #2318778
using elementor


  • Brice Cagan started the conversation

    Is this theme compatible with Elementor? I've noticed a lot of bugs when using it. Things changing depending on the browser etc.


  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Hi Brice,

    We have not tested the theme (or build the content) with Elementor - that's why also it's not listed in the supported plugins.

    What I assume is that disabling AJAX page transitions would make it work better.

    Short technical explanation: Ajax page transitions will load the target page content container within the original page. Since the target page is not loaded normally the <head> and <body> elements will stay the same.

    Since a lot of plugins are using javascript initialisation in the head (or the footer) of the page they don't get called in the target page.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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