  Public Ticket #2310676
using vimeo to host videos


  • Brice Cagan started the conversation


    I recently purchased the Satelite - Creative Ajax Portfolio Showcase Slider Wordpress Theme through Themeforest.  I really like the way the demo looks, and I’m building my site using a lot of videos.

    I’d like to use the Ellie Saab page as a template for how we will be adding our video portfolio, but we are hosting our videos through Vimeo. Is there a way to use the full screen style that is displayed on the demo with a Vimeo link (for both the Hero images, and when you scroll down)?


  •  1,822
    Support replied

    Hello Brice,

    As you probably know, the self-hosted videos (required by the standard HTML5 <video> tag) are not Vimeo or Youtube however there is a special vimeo account that's exposing the video source URLs:


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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