Hi, in a portfolio post, at the very bottom, you can go to the next post. I would like to make it possible to go to the next post within that specific category, not bouncing from category to category, depending on when the post was published. How do I do that?
Hi, I think this helped, but it is still not completely limited to its specific category. I have another question, though. For the social links, how do I add a custom one? As far as I can tell, the actual icons are just written out but I can't find the code anywhere.
Hi, in a portfolio post, at the very bottom, you can go to the next post. I would like to make it possible to go to the next post within that specific category, not bouncing from category to category, depending on when the post was published. How do I do that?
Hello Freddy, plz open /sections/project_navigation_section.php and try modifying the code to
if( grenada_get_theme_options('clapat_grenada_portfolio_navigation_order') == 'backward' ){
previous_post_link( 'grenada_portfolio', '%title%', TRUE, '', 'portfolio_category' );
} else {
next_post_link( 'grenada_portfolio', '%title%', TRUE, '', 'portfolio_category' );
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
Hi, I think this helped, but it is still not completely limited to its specific category. I have another question, though. For the social links, how do I add a custom one? As far as I can tell, the actual icons are just written out but I can't find the code anywhere.
open /include/defines.php and add your social network inside the $grenada_social_links array
for example at the end
'Vm' => esc_html__('Vimeo', 'grenada'),
'Xg' => esc_html__('Xing', 'grenada'),
'Mn' => esc_html__('My social network', 'grenada'),
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
Thank you!