  Public Ticket #2267181
auto play, loop, playback controls off - of Hervin: Hosted Video block?


  • forceWERK started the conversation

    Hi there,

    so far I've used the WordPress Video Block to embed videos. However, I found out that Safari doesn't support WebM videos. Unfortunately, I can't add a second source (WebM/MP4) as a fallback.

    I've then used the Hervin: Hosted Video Block. Luckily this one supports two sources (WebM/MP4). However, and that's my problem, I don't have any controls: AUTO PLAY, LOOP, PLAYBACK CONTROLS OFF is what I need. Basically the video should look like a looping GIF.

    Can I enter the parameters into the HTML/Shortcode somehow?

    [hervin_video cover_img_url="https://www.forcewerk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/playground_008-fui_v21_mja.257_repos_HERO.jpg" mp4_url="https://www.forcewerk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/playground_008-fui_v21_mja_2000x2000_HERO-00.mp4" webm_url="https://www.forcewerk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/playground_008-fui_v21_mja_2000x2000_HERO-00_50fps.webm" extra_class_name=""][/hervin_video]

    Or do you know a way to add a second source to the original WordPress Video block, as a fallback?

    Thanks a lot!

  •  1,825
    Support replied

    Hi there, can you upload the video as MP4 this format is supported by most browsers?


    or you could use a plugin such as  


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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