When I chose a white background for my portfolio projects, the logo and menu appear black against a dark image when it should be white. Also the title and subtitle are also white.
Shouldn't the logo change to black when you scroll into the light background?
the hero section does not have its own background type so when you change the background color it will apply to the entire page. You can change with css the hero title color on light backgrounds or change the hero section image to a lighter version
When I chose a white background for my portfolio projects, the logo and menu appear black against a dark image when it should be white. Also the title and subtitle are also white.
Shouldn't the logo change to black when you scroll into the light background?
How do I fix this issue? See attached screenshot
Hi Darren,
the hero section does not have its own background type so when you change the background color it will apply to the entire page. You can change with css the hero title color on light backgrounds or change the hero section image to a lighter version
Thank you.
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