  Public Ticket #218514
Portfolio thumb image is not sharp, ultra soft


  • Samuel started the conversation


    After many many attemps, I am unable to get a sharp image out of the portfolio thumb image. 

    I tried with many resolution and still VERY soft. 

    One thing, they get PERFECTLY sharp, for a quick fraction of second, when I resize the window. 

    They are also very sharp when I check my website on the ipad version.

    I really need to find a solution for this since it is to showcase photos and you know, photographers are very picky with how their photos show up!

    Thanks for your help


  • Samuel replied


    I opened this ticket 6 days ago and still no response? Can I please have a follow-up?

    Thanks for your help!


  •  2,031
    Support replied

    hi Sam,

    Have you tried different different monitors? The image is scaling function of desktop monitors. You can also try adding bigger images, minding the file size.


  • Samuel replied

    Hi my fellow Support team that rocks!

    Yes, I have tried a lot of options actually... I tried a big big res like 4000x4000, then I tried 500x320 and 520x340, 600x400 and etc... I also test my website on a 1920x1800 screen and a 1280x1024 and an Ipad, gives me the same result ( ipad seems to be sharp tho ). Pictures are still blurry. When I resize my internet window pixels by pixel, at one point I get that magic moment where some thumbnails become sharp, but that's it.... It might be because of the resize script?

    Thanks for your help on that!


  • Samuel replied

    Hi, anything on that? I have tried many thing again... I have discovered that on 2 different displays, It comes out SUPER sharp and crisp on Internet Explorer and SUPER soft on Mozilla.

    Also, the scrolling is super SMOOTH on Mozilla but very ugly on Internet explorer? Same for the ''ROLL OVERS'' animation over the portfolio items and OUR TEAM, super ugly on Internet Explorer compared to Mozilla...

    Can you advise?



  • Samuel replied

    Hi! No follow-up in 3 weeks?

    Recap : 

    Mozilla : Portfolio thumb images comes out blurry

    Explorer 9 and + : Animation on mouse roll-over and smooth scroll are not working


  • Samuel replied


  • [deleted] replied

    I had a problem on other theme, that was almost same. But I think i fixed it by choosing .png for thumbnail instead of .jpg

    Not sure it will work, but try it