  Public Ticket #2172684
Creative portfolio category filter


  • Niklas started the conversation

    Hello and thank you for this theme,

    We are trying to filter portfolio items in the creative portfolio page, but that is right now possible only for Showcase portfolio and Carousel.. 

    On codecanyon, we saw a reply to this problem, and the solution was to link to the category page. But that will make the "click and hold" category unusable!

    We tried to make one parent category and different sub categories but that didnt help. 

    Is there any way to solve this issue please?

  •  1,825
    Support replied

    Hi Niklas,

    If I get your question right:

    - you can display the portfolio category page in the grid masonry format with a specific url, for example


    so 'portfolio_category' followed by the category slug

    in this page the portfolio category is not necessary since it's dedicated to a specific category.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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