  Public Ticket #2097912
2 Row Layout


  • Paul Ratka started the conversation

    Hello dear support team,

    how do I set up a 2 row layout like on your example (see attachement).

    I cannot manage to put 2 data containers next to each other as you did in your example, I can just manipulate your one, but if I try to reproduce this layout and use the same grenada containers structure on another page the content is always displayed beyond each other not next to each other.

    If I work with rows, is there a way to change the widht so I can make the Text appear leaner? See picture (red marked area is what I would like to eliminate)

    thank you very much for you support!

    best regards


  •  1,814
    Support replied

    Hi Paul

    the way the columns are constructed:

    two clapat containers inside of parent top clapat container


    the first child container has 'one_third' as additional class name

    the first child container has 'two_third last' as additional class name

    it's important two add class last to the last column

    These are Hervin predefined classes


    So in your case it's worth having three containers all of them with class one_third and the last one empty (to create the space) and class last

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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