  Public Ticket #1973756
Standard size


  • Boris Wenzel started the conversation

    Hi support,

    Was is the standard size for full - size pictures?

    The Article: 

    What should be the 'standard size' for images?

    The standard we use is to have 1600px width for full-width images and 800px width for thumbnails

    If you are using Adobe Photoshop, save images with 60% quality.

    but on the example site I found different sizes:

    1980x1295 (horses)

    3680x2456 (sb09.jpg)

    1400x933 (fb19.jpg)

    1200x1800 (nd05.jpg)

    please adsvice

    Best regards Boris

  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Boris, this is a general guideline. of curse you can use different sizes to maintain the original aspect ration in the context of the current viewport:

    My fullscreen parallax image is not responsive and does not scale well

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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