The Andra theme stops working on mobile once a portfolio item and the 'move back' button was clicked to go back to the portfoliopage. I figured out that the problem occurs when Ajax is disabled. Enabling Ajax is no option for me as it introduces other issues with image-loading and stylesheets. So is there an option to fix the issue mentioned above while Ajax is disabled? Thanks
I found this older answer of yours (img1) when 'Sergio' had the same problem with the theme Tetriz on January 22nd 2019.
1) Eventually this solution doesn't work for the Andra theme. Probably because you changed the code there a little bit. In Andra the initial code looks like this (img2).
When applying the changes of Tetriz respectively with the Andra theme. The page remains blank.
But maybe it is close to the solution?
2) Another thing I tried was an onclick function with history.back method on the a-link. This worked well. The portfolio-page gets displayed but it's not clickable as before.
But can these ideas help you to solve this problem?
Actually I figured out that this just fixes the issue when clicking on the carousel image to go back. When clicking the browsers back button which is the more usual way of going back to the portfolio the whole theme stops working and the problem arises again. Do you have a quick solution for that or will it be included in the update sometime?
For Sergio who had the exact same problem you suggested this solution. (browserbackbutton.png) Is there a comparable solution (browser compatibility) for the Andra theme, so that on every browser the problem gets fixed.
As I have been waiting for a solution for two weeks now, a fix soon would be great. Thanks!
The Andra theme stops working on mobile once a portfolio item and the 'move back' button was clicked to go back to the portfoliopage. I figured out that the problem occurs when Ajax is disabled. Enabling Ajax is no option for me as it introduces other issues with image-loading and stylesheets. So is there an option to fix the issue mentioned above while Ajax is disabled? Thanks
Thank you Lukas for opening a new thread on this issue.
We are looking into this. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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I found this older answer of yours (img1) when 'Sergio' had the same problem with the theme Tetriz on January 22nd 2019.
1) Eventually this solution doesn't work for the Andra theme. Probably because you changed the code there a little bit. In Andra the initial code looks like this (img2). When applying the changes of Tetriz respectively with the Andra theme. The page remains blank. But maybe it is close to the solution?
2) Another thing I tried was an onclick function with history.back method on the a-link. This worked well. The portfolio-page gets displayed but it's not clickable as before. But can these ideas help you to solve this problem?
Hello Lukas,
we found a solution to your/our problem:
plz remove line 1497 in scripts.js
$('#carousel-slider').on('click', function(event){event.preventDefault()});
We will release an update but just in case you want it quicker
Thank you.
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Awesome! Finally. This is it. Thanks!
We appreciate your patience.
Thank you.
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Actually I figured out that this just fixes the issue when clicking on the carousel image to go back. When clicking the browsers back button which is the more usual way of going back to the portfolio the whole theme stops working and the problem arises again. Do you have a quick solution for that or will it be included in the update sometime?
Hello Lukas,
both on my Chrome + Firefox desktop and Android phone, AJAX disabled when I hit back browser button the home page is displayed properly.
Thank you.
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As mentioned I have the same problem as Sergio had on January 22nd 2019!
The display of my page when going back works totally fine as in your video!
It's about the fact, that the website becomes *unclickable/inactive*.
No portfolio-items as well as the menu-items can't be clicked. (see video)
Chrome Desktop is the only combination where the website works like a charm.
This problem arises in Safari on Desktop as well as on any browser on mobile!
I can go back but I can't use the theme after that.
I visualised this in the following two videos.
(notice the circle that keeps spinning until infinity)
For Sergio who had the exact same problem you suggested this solution. (browserbackbutton.png) Is there a comparable solution (browser compatibility) for the Andra theme, so that on every browser the problem gets fixed.
As I have been waiting for a solution for two weeks now, a fix soon would be great. Thanks!
Can you send us plz wp admin access with full rights using Appearance -> Editor so we can modify /js/scripts.js? In a private comment.
Thank you.
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Hi Lukas,
We modifed style.css with following:
.show-loader #ball-loader {
(changed opacity to zero)
and we deleted
.show-loader a {
Plz delete your cache and give it a try
Thank you.
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