I have embedded a youtube video in the background of the home page, and it works perfectly cross -browsers on mac, and on my phone. It doesn\'t work on my ipad or iphone, and the text VIDEO PLACEHOLDER IMAGE sits above my home page regular text. Where can I upload that image and get rid of that text? Or even better- can I get this to work on my ipad / phone?
Hi there,
I have embedded a youtube video in the background of the home page, and it works perfectly cross -browsers on mac, and on my phone. It doesn\'t work on my ipad or iphone, and the text VIDEO PLACEHOLDER IMAGE sits above my home page regular text. Where can I upload that image and get rid of that text? Or even better- can I get this to work on my ipad / phone?
Great theme!
Hi Chris,
This is the image path: 'newave-theme/images/video-placeholder.jpg'
Thank you.
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