i have a problem with your Andra theme. I have been working on my new website with your theme for a little while now and has been working fine until today. From now to then i can´t add no more images, when i want to create a new Portfolio. I changed nothing, the failure came from one to another day. There´s just nothing happening when i click on "add galerie".
thank you. The last days i spend hours to already figure out, where the bug came from. It´s been definitly about the andra theme crashing with another plugin. Eventually I had enough and tried a fresh installation and it worked, so i made the decicision to rebuild the website from scratch. Hopefully it will not crash again, but even though i will have an eye on it and eventually know where´s the problem. Have never had so many hours using wordpressthemes...
After i posted my logindata here there was somebody hacking my server (another Problem i don´t need!). Maybe it´s been by coincidence. Think it was a plugin too... Hopefully my webspace is save again, but who knows. This one has let me become carefull posting privat data, sorry!
I definitely understand your frustration - however we did not have problems before with users login. Hopefully was just a coincidence. But, in general, it's good to be cautious with your admin credentials.
Hey there,
i have a problem with your Andra theme. I have been working on my new website with your theme for a little while now and has been working fine until today. From now to then i can´t add no more images, when i want to create a new Portfolio. I changed nothing, the failure came from one to another day. There´s just nothing happening when i click on "add galerie".
Can you help me?
Hey Björn
please send us the wp admin login url, username and password so we can have a look.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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Thank you for the fast answer! Will send it per mail...
Björn, it's better if you send it here in a private comment, it's safe.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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Hey there,
thank you. The last days i spend hours to already figure out, where the bug came from. It´s been definitly about the andra theme crashing with another plugin. Eventually I had enough and tried a fresh installation and it worked, so i made the decicision to rebuild the website from scratch. Hopefully it will not crash again, but even though i will have an eye on it and eventually know where´s the problem. Have never had so many hours using wordpressthemes...
After i posted my logindata here there was somebody hacking my server (another Problem i don´t need!). Maybe it´s been by coincidence. Think it was a plugin too... Hopefully my webspace is save again, but who knows. This one has let me become carefull posting privat data, sorry!
Thank you for your support.
Hello Björn
I definitely understand your frustration - however we did not have problems before with users login. Hopefully was just a coincidence. But, in general, it's good to be cautious with your admin credentials.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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Hey there,
i think it was the gdpr compliance, it´s known to be hacked the last weeks, plugin but it came all together. Yes i´m a little bit frustrated...
I´m just within rebuilding the website and all the extra css i integrated, is rebuild by copy and paste. It´s easy.
Thank you,
Ok Björn, good to know about the gdpr compliance plugin.
Thank you.
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