  Public Ticket #1791698
Video header not working on mobile


  • Aleksandar Andelovic started the conversation

    Good afternoon,

    The video that I put in the hero section is not working when loaded on mobile.

    Also, how do I enable the autoplay option for the video in the hero?

    Thank you in advance,


  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hello Aleksandar,

    on mobile a fall back image is used, because is not recommended to have videos playing on mobile in the header section.

    Some of our users have used a gif image as mobile placeholder image.

    Regarding autoplay plz open /sections/hero_section_video.php and modify line 49

    <a id="bgndVideo" class="player" data-property="{videoURL:'<?php echo wp_kses_post( $cpleg_video_url ); ?>',containment:'#video-container', autoPlay:true, vol:100, opacity:1, showControls:false}"></a>

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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  • Aleksandar Andelovic replied

    So you are telling me that the theme is not doing what is advertised in the theme preview?

    I bought the theme because I liked the video in the header option. The gif is not an option as there is no sound and the file would be too big.

    Is there any other option how I could fix this in backend or anything else to put it there?

    I tried puting it in the content section with different plugins but it is not responsive and doesn't look good on mobile. I expect more than 50% of visitor to come from mobile.

    Any help with this?

  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hello Alkesandar, not at all - the live demo is available and you can see that on mobile we have also a fallback image.

    The YTPlayer would not work on mobile devices due to vendors policy on javascript media controls. Considering also network bandwidth and data plans for mobile is not recommended to have video  playing on mobile.

    As an alternative you can look for a video plugin which plays on mobile as well.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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