  Public Ticket #177975
portfolio only display image pop-up


  • Grégory started the conversation

    Hi, we have a problem with the portfolio. Only image pop-up display. When we choose an other option, it slide down but nothing happened. Can u help us ? Best regards, Grégory Aegerter Visual Players

  • Grégory replied

    it seems like the permalinks recommanded in the documentation don't works : %category%/%postname%

    should I simply go back to defualt ? 

    Anyway the URL of the portfolio item don't display, right ?

  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Hi Gregory,

    The only thing I can think of is that you don't have the .htaccess writable, usually there is an error message in permalinks section.

    WP is using the new structure but the web server still goes after old rules in .htaccess


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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