  Public Ticket #170322
Insert Image in Price Table


  • JC started the conversation
    Hello, I'm not new to the CMS world but very new to Wordpress so without trying to hard code it in I would like to ask if there are attributes for the short codes for the price table to replace the icons with an image. Thank you in advance! JC
  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Hi JC,

    it is not possible in the current implementation.

    But before going changing the code, I would recommend to look over the full fontawesome list:


    you may find what you need.

    just add/replace the name of the icon (fa-desktop, for example)


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • JC replied


    It is not ideal as I had to add unique images so I used the standard IMG insert like this

    [pricing_column icon="xxx" title="xxx"]
    <a href="/image.jpg">
    <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-247" alt="IMG" src="image.jpg" width="217" height="92" />

    and I have added the following css to:

    APPEARANCE - THEME OPTIONS - Styling Options

    .price-table i {
    display: none;

    Now it hides the icon and displays the image exactly as I needed.

    Hope this helps someone else who needs it and thank you for your response.