Upon first loading of any part of my website, the preloader hangs for a long time before the website eventually loads. It will be on the preloader for minutes before the website actually loads. Before having the preloader activated, the website never took this long to load.
I understand that the pictures on my website aren't minified yet, but before the preloader was activated, the website didn't hang this long on initial load. Using Chrome's inspector tool, it looks like pictures are taking the most time to load. Did you guys do something on the backend when activating the preloader that is causing this?
Upon first loading of any part of my website, the preloader hangs for a long time before the website eventually loads. It will be on the preloader for minutes before the website actually loads. Before having the preloader activated, the website never took this long to load.
After the browser stores the website cache, it takes much less time to load. But on first load, it takes like 2-3 minutes to load the page.
I understand that the pictures on my website aren't minified yet, but before the preloader was activated, the website didn't hang this long on initial load. Using Chrome's inspector tool, it looks like pictures are taking the most time to load. Did you guys do something on the backend when activating the preloader that is causing this?