  Public Ticket #1599753
Multilingual Newave site with Polylang


  • VooVooVoo started the conversation

    Dear Support Team,

    I have successfully launched a site running your beautiful theme. Everything went fine and smoothly. However the site is supposed to be at least bilingual (Polish and English), where PL is the main language. Having a good experience with Polylang, I installed the plugin, and configured it. All operation went smoothly until the moment when I had to translate the slider text. I had 12 slides , while I could translate only 5 of them. And now the question is if this is the limitation of your theme or some fault on the plugin itself. I wonder where the original strings are kept in the SQL, and why only five of them are visible by the plugin. Any hints or piece of advise would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance, kind regards,

    Pawel Czerwinski

  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Pawel,

    Newave is compatible with WPML, in wpml-config.xml file we have a sesction


    where all the sliders are translatable.

    for example

    <key name="home_image_pattern_text_slider">
                    <key name="1">
                        <key name="text" />
                    <key name="2">
                        <key name="text" />
                    <key name="3">
                        <key name="text" />
                    <key name="4">
                        <key name="text" />
                    <key name="5">
                        <key name="text" />

    I think the solutions is to add more keys, to translate the rest of the slides

  • VooVooVoo replied

    Thank you very much! Your hint was very helpful, so I could flawlessly localize all my 12 slides on the banner.

    Best regards,

    PC, voovoovoo.com