Guys, I've been trying to hack some code to get a video working in the header but it's not possible to have styled in the same way the hero is with the nice scale fade-out.
Can you please consider adding a video option for the hero header?
If you do include it, please remember to allow an ogg referenced version and a fallback/static image version.
Hi there, I don't think it will be implemented soon, however we keep a list of all our users requests and try to introduce them in the new releases as we move forward.
Guys, I've been trying to hack some code to get a video working in the header but it's not possible to have styled in the same way the hero is with the nice scale fade-out.
Can you please consider adding a video option for the hero header?
If you do include it, please remember to allow an ogg referenced version and a fallback/static image version.
If anyone else wants this too, post a +1 reply.
Any word on this and whether you'll be implementing it in the future?
Hi there, I don't think it will be implemented soon, however we keep a list of all our users requests and try to introduce them in the new releases as we move forward.
Thank you.
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I forwarded you other request to our web designer.
Thank you.
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