I have a positive and a negative logo, and the option to hide header when scrolling down enabled. But when I scroll down the positive logo doesn't show up. It seems that the class "show-positive" from div "logo" doesn't load. When scrolling down, the class "show-negative" keeps active. Is this a bug in the theme and how can I resolve it? My URL is www.wallerleiphotography.com
I have a positive and a negative logo, and the option to hide header when scrolling down enabled. But when I scroll down the positive logo doesn't show up. It seems that the class "show-positive" from div "logo" doesn't load. When scrolling down, the class "show-negative" keeps active. Is this a bug in the theme and how can I resolve it? My URL is www.wallerleiphotography.com
That's curious in home main page of our demo it works properly (see the second slide with dark background)
Can you disable VC addons or any other plugin (not included with the theme)
it looks like jQuery window scroll event does not fire up
Thank you.
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