  Public Ticket #1255928
help in masonry portfolio


  • Artur started the conversation


    Just need a little help here. Client wants the masonry grid to have 4 columns. I don't want to mess with wordpress backend so i'm planning on edit the scripts.js section. Can you explain the numbers? and a little input on how to change this to 4 columns would be appreciated. 

    if ( $('#portfolio').attr('data-col') == '2' ) {
    $('.item.wide').css( { 
    width : postWidth * 2 - 50 + 'px',
    height : postHeight - 150 + 'px',
    margin : 25 + 'px' 
    $('.no-gutter .item.wide').css( { 
    width : postWidth * 2  + 'px',
    height : postHeight - 80  + 'px',
    margin : 0 + 'px'  

  •  1,800
    Support replied


    What you want to achieve require custom work. This needs a lot of js and css adjustments for 4 columns grid. Keep in mind you need to solve the responsive too.

    These are the varable who define the thumb size:

    postHeight = window.innerHeight
    postWidth = Math.floor(portfolioWidth / columnNumb)		

    You need to replace the columnNumb with 4 and do the adjustments for all item sizes. Do this only if you have good js knowledge

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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