I have some minor issues that need an answer please:
1. How do I get rid of the last bullet point from the Home Options>Bullet Words? The last word I have has a bullet point at the end of it, I would like that removed, as per your demo.
2. I'm using the 'Second Header' layout from the options, however, There is a white gap between the Home Section and the header menu. Can this be removed, so it displays as per your demo page please?
3. in the 'We are Newwave' page, the 'small_left_screen' and 'small_right_screen' images both appear behind the 'big_screen' iimage. however, when I use my own images, the centre big image is behind the two smaller ones. Do I need to use some additioanl .css to recreate the effect in your demo?
4. In the 'Contact' page i have deleted the address details, how do I hide the map pin that remains?
Hello ClaPat
I have some minor issues that need an answer please:
1. How do I get rid of the last bullet point from the Home Options>Bullet Words? The last word I have has a bullet point at the end of it, I would like that removed, as per your demo.
2. I'm using the 'Second Header' layout from the options, however, There is a white gap between the Home Section and the header menu. Can this be removed, so it displays as per your demo page please?
3. in the 'We are Newwave' page, the 'small_left_screen' and 'small_right_screen' images both appear behind the 'big_screen' iimage. however, when I use my own images, the centre big image is behind the two smaller ones. Do I need to use some additioanl .css to recreate the effect in your demo?
4. In the 'Contact' page i have deleted the address details, how do I hide the map pin that remains?
Hope you can help?
Many thanks
1. I realised that there was a fifth empty input fielf...which created a bullet point!
This item can be ignored.
Thank you.
4. I have now found the .css code that allows me to hide the map pin.
This item can now also be ignored.
2. I have now found the .css class to change to get rid of the 65px white space:
Only #3 left to sort out now! Lol.
3. I added the following code to custom css:
.small-screen-left {
.small-screen-right {
This worked.
Please feel free to close this ticket! Thanks.
This is great! and thanks for sharing. Should you have any other issues don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
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