On our site we have set 10 portfolio items on home page and we have 7 categories (so 7 filter elements). The problem is that it filters only the last 10 portfolio items, so clicking on a less popular category, the page remains empty. Is it possible to make it load the next elements of the category even if they're not in the latest 10.
the only thing we need is to load the latest 10 works for each category in the home page, the rest should be all together filtered on the portfolio page. Is it very difficult to code or could it be 1-2 strings work?
Personally until now i've only changed css and some php but it's my first time trying to modify funcionality. The theme can't see each category separately? Is it necessary to create different pages for categories?
Again the filters are displaying/filtering all items. to display couple of them initially and the load more when you press a category filter is more than 1-2 strings work
On our site we have set 10 portfolio items on home page and we have 7 categories (so 7 filter elements). The problem is that it filters only the last 10 portfolio items, so clicking on a less popular category, the page remains empty. Is it possible to make it load the next elements of the category even if they're not in the latest 10.
Thank You
the category filters work only with items currently loaded in the page.
Thank you.
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Thank you for your reply.
I have noticed that, my question was if it's possible to make it load for more when filtering?
Thank You,
Only with custom work. We can help you however creating separate pages for each category if it helps.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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the only thing we need is to load the latest 10 works for each category in the home page, the rest should be all together filtered on the portfolio page. Is it very difficult to code or could it be 1-2 strings work?
Personally until now i've only changed css and some php but it's my first time trying to modify funcionality. The theme can't see each category separately? Is it necessary to create different pages for categories?
You can easily create separate pages for individual categories
Copy the file I attached to the theme folder
And then you can access the category page with the following URL
http://your website url/portfolio_category/branding
Where 'branding' is the slug of the category
Again the filters are displaying/filtering all items. to display couple of them initially and the load more when you press a category filter is more than 1-2 strings work
Thank you.
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