  Print Holver - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme (7) Hervin - Creative Ajax Portfolio Showcase Slider Theme (5) Colega - Creative Portfolio Theme (5) Satelite WordPress Theme (5) ClaPat - Creative Masonry Blog WordPress (6) Aruba - Minimal Ajax WordPress Portfolio Theme (7) Canela - Creative Portfolio Theme (5) Bauman (5) Munio - Creative Portfolio Theme (5) Holver - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme (7) Cubez - Creative WordPress Showcase Portfolio Theme (8) Villar - Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme (7) Wizzaro (7) Maestro - Modern Portfolio Showcase WordPress Theme (7) Enfolio - Portfolio Showcase WordPress Theme (7) California - A theme for Creatives (8) Andra - Photography Portfolio WordPress Ajax Theme (6) Tetriz - Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme (7) Pegasus -Showcase Portfolio WordPress Theme (8) Bario - Showcase Portfolio WordPress Theme (9) Squares - Interactive Design Agency Portfolio Wordpress (7) Soho - The Ultimate Portfolio WordPress Theme (8) Legrand - Creative Photography Portfolio Theme (7) Nerduck - Minimal and Creative Portfolio Theme (7) Newave - Wordpress Responsive One Page Parallax (26) Trent - Wordpress Responsive One Page Parallax (7) Berger - WordPress Creative Agency Portfolio Theme (10)

Holver - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme

How to optimise the speed of my website? One of the main reasons the site is slow is that you may have lots of images which are not optimised for web. https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/image-optimization?hl=e ...

What should be the 'standard size' for images? The standard we use is to have 1600px width for full-width images and 800px width for thumbnails If you are using Adobe Photoshop, save images with 60% quality.

How do I upgrade the theme? Will I lose all my changes? To upgrade the theme: Download the latest version from envato (installable Wordpress file) In admin dashboard:  remove the old theme and install the new version using FTP remove the theme folder from /wp-content/themes/ ...

Map is not displayed properly if there is an error in browser's console stating: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError you need to create a google maps api key as described in this article: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascrip ...

My fullscreen parallax image is not responsive and does not scale well When the browser displays a fullscreen image will do so taking three factors in account: - display resolution (width and height) - display mode (portrait or landscape) - image aspect ratio (width vs height) So to displ ...

How can I add my own custom icons/fonts to the theme? Try uploading the files somewhere as a subfolder of the theme and then use @font-face to create a font family. And then simply add the font-family style for each element you want to have that font. See here for a descriptio ...

How to change the color of a Contact Form 7 placeholder text Add this CSS code to theme options -> styling options -> custom css: ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */ color: #000 !important; opacity: 1; } :-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ color: #00 ...