Hi,I like to have two team_carousels on my site. The slide function doesn´t work. thank you.
The reason you cannot add two team carousels it's because they will have the same ids (.our-team-new) causing a conflict in the page.
To enable multiple team carousels, you must use html code inseatd of shorcodes and use different ids for each of them (our-team-new1, our-team-new2, etc)
Then, in the /js/scripts.js file duplicate initialization for each id (line 181)
if( jQuery('.our-team-new').length > 0 ){
width: '100%',
height: 'auto',
prev: '#prev3',
next: '#next3',
align: "center",
scroll: 1,
auto: false,
visible: {
min: 1,
max: 5